Opening Hours | as long as there is an internet connection
browse digital archival collections, all about ME
Museum of ME
Museum of Memang Edan
Museum of ME
Museum of Memang Edan
what's on
ME & YOU is an outreach program initiative from MoME to engage and educate our visitors about museums through series of activities.
ME & YOU; Build-a-Museum
This time around ME & YOU is all about building a museum!
Do you believe you could build your own museum? It is easier than you think... with low resources, you could also build your own!
Let's click & follow all the checklist here to build your own museum:
2020 - 2023
The permanent digital archival featured over 30 pieces of items owned by ME from 2020-2023 that the visitors can explore.
From these items, we can see where ME is from, what they like to buy, jewelry pieces, fragrances, etc. Each item has its own information that we have officially curated so the visitors can get to know the real authentic ME.
ME's passport
in 2022 the Indonesian government just declared that the passport will now have a 10-year long period of the expiry date. Just in time for ME's passport to expire in the same year, their new passport adapted to the newest regulation.
donated generously by: ME
Tangled Necklace
ME's tangled necklace that they found in the back of their drawer. The necklace can't be used as a necklace because of the tangle, so they just used it as a bracelet.
donated generously by: ME
Steel-Steal Ring
ME's steel ring that they stole from their own sister because their sister refuse to let them borrow it. They did not have the time to give it back, so now it is currently in our museum's possession.
donated generously by: ME
PIECES OF ME ; 2020 - 2023
Salonpas Koyo Patch
2023 (probably)
Found laying around on the floor, these Koyo patches we assume, are ME's favorite items. Always has poor posture and sleeps in an acrobatic position every night, making this koyo patches ME's best friend.
donated generously by: ME
Assortment of Crystals
While just like everyone else during the pandemic, ME grew an interest in crystals and began to collect them all like pokemon cards. Ranging from quartz to selenite, this assortment has it all. Sadly, they stopped collecting crystals in 2022 because of inflation.
donated generously by: ME
Empty Perfume Bottle
All their life, ME likes to collect bottles and bottles of perfume without throwing them out. They said they will find a use for it but never did.
donated generously by: ME
Unwashed Beauty Blender
This beauty blender, we assume was once in a shade of light pink. After weeks of using it for concealer and blush, the light pink color was gone. We never know the reason why ME never wash their beauty blender properly to this day.
donated generously by: ME
PIECES OF ME ; 2020 - 2023
Pink Care Bear
Back in 2022, there was a boom in bulk-buying care bears. ME themselves got it after several tryouts of throwing tennis balls into buckets at a carnival.
donated generously by: ME
Unwashed Paint Palette
We can see a lot of unwashed patterns here dawning on ME's life. This time around it is a paint palette. We believe it is a mix of everything, from gouache to acrylics. Leaving a lot of paint residue behind, just in time for another round of painting.
donated generously by: ME
Indom*ret Hair Comb
We believe this was actually older than it was, being actually bought in 2019 during a trip to Yogyakarta because ME forgot to bring a comb. As we know, combs come and go, ME found this comb again in 2020 and have been using it ever since.
donated generously by: ME
Cat Coin Pouch
Nobody knows where this cat coin pouch is from, ME only knew themself after trying to dig some items from her closet and indeed this pouch is theirs.
donated generously by: ME
PIECES OF ME ; 2020 - 2023
Half-Full Liptint
A believer, with a good positive attitude, a lot of people said that about ME
Maintaining the positive about their character, we named this item Half-Full instead of Half-Empty.
donated generously by: ME
Travel Adapter
Finding themselves flying all over the globe during the year 2023, made ME purchase this. Even though it is bulky, it is quite amusing how ME can literally charge all of their devices in every country with this.
donated generously by: ME
Bunch of Old Receipts
ME is quite sentimental by nature, they love to keep things or never throw things out. Hence, this bunch of old receipts from 2022 to 2023 has been in our collection, and the pile just keeps piling up.
donated generously by: ME
Folding Umbrella
ME lives on the sunny side of the street and a tropical country most of their life, this folding umbrella has been used over and over. Especially during this global warming era where we do not really know when it is going to rain or scorching hot sun.
donated generously by: ME
PIECES OF ME ; 2020 - 2023
Giant Scissors
Historically proven that ME like to do everything by themselves. Especially cutting their own hair. Avoiding paying to overprice salons and being afraid to cry at the said salon after a bad haircut. So these exact scissors were used to cut their own hair, so if they make a wrong turn at least it is their own mistake.
donated generously by: ME
PIECES OF ME ; 2020 - 2023
Candy Wrapper
It is hard to believe that this candy wrapper finally made it to our collection. We have been trying to get this kind of diversity inside the collection. So this is ME's latest candy that they ate, we assume.
donated generously by: ME
While most people sleep with mountains of pillows, ME sleeps with a ton of bolsters. They even use bolster as a pillow, which is quite fascinating as they always complain their neck is sore.
donated generously by: ME
Glasses without the Glass
ME went through a lot of glasses every year. This is one of the glasses pieces that they never wore again because the glass just gave up and pop out of the socket, so it is now glassless.
donated generously by: ME
Unused Analog Camera
Found on the bottom, the very bottom part of their drawer, ME apparently owns an analog camera. They loved it at first, but they always forgot to go and process the film so it was just there at the bottom of the drawer.
donated generously by: ME
Crumpled Tote Bag
This tote bag is one of many ME's tote bag collections. Trying to eliminate the use of single-use plastics, they got tote bags for any kind of occasion.
donated generously by: ME
ME's regular daily use lipbalm.
donated generously by: ME
Hair Roller
(The Last One)
This is one of the last ones of ME's hair roller to curl their fringe. To this day, they kept searching for this roller without knowing that it is in our collection.
donated generously by: ME
PIECES OF ME ; 2020 - 2023
Cajuput Oil
This cajuput oil is in a very small bottle, but it has been three whole years and it does last for a really long time.
donated generously by: ME
Exercise Bands
Exercise bands, resistance bands, whatever you called them. All we know ME bought this in 2022, turning over a new page to get fit. But like how all the items in this archival, they never actually use them
donated generously by: ME
Jedai Hercules
Jedai Hercules is actually a name for a hair clip like this in Indonesia. Because of how strong the hair clip is, like Hercules. They also have been testing it by dropping it from a 20 storey building apartment down to a parking lot and the hair clip survived.
donated generously by: ME
PIECES OF ME ; 2020 - 2023
The Lighting for all the photos
Not just a regular table light, this light work 24/7 all year around because ME does not have any other lighting than this one to use in her work and photographs.
borrowed from: ME
will need to return it back
Nail File
The title could not have said it better.
donated generously by: ME
Hair Dryer
A very low-watt hair dryer, is good for the environment but not good to dry your hair. (apparently this hairdryer is for a small dog)
donated generously by: ME
Emotional Support Water Bottle
You will never catch ME's going out without one of their emotional support water bottles. They can grip it when their nervous, and drink and refill water, what more could you ask for?
donated generously by: ME
Handmade Candle
This candle was made by ME in 2021 and smells like peach. They only ever light it once and never again as the candle is too pretty to be burnt and just evaporates.
donated generously by: ME
PIECES OF ME ; 2020 - 2023
Unused Iron
We can all agree that ironing is the most draining house chore!!
donated generously by: ME
Hair Bands
This is a must-have essential to ME as living in a tropical country, hair bands keep their hair stays dry and not drenched in sweat.
donated generously by: ME
Two Lighters
ME likes to forget they already have some things. So here are these two lighters in our collection as they keep buying lighters because they can not find them.
donated generously by: ME
Fabric Spray
Stay clean and fresh all dayyyy
donated generously by: ME
PIECES OF ME ; 2020 - 2023
Last Night's
Bowl of Cereal
This is one of the most prominent and newest additions to our collection at MoME.
ME's bowl of cereal from last night's midnight snack. The way they just carelessly place it on the floor will make them regret it the next morning as they wake up and kick the bowl, spilling milk everywhere.
donated generously by: ME
In this collection, we try to look at ME from another point of view through several texts either digital or handwritten texts that were written by them or given to them.
Excerpts of Poems
The first piece in their journal, dated back to 1st June 2021. The piece itself talked about regrets, loneliness, and finding solitude (that is what we assume considering the abstract handwriting).
One of the most prominent pieces they wrote to this day because there is no actual thought behind it.
donated generously by: ME
Birthday Card
We believe, by the huge happy birthday writing, this is a birthday card given to ME.
It was given by ME's two roommates. They were a very warm message wishing ME's wellness.
Keep on being cheerful buddy! You are 21 now, do not play too much and keep hard work!
Go make more works, do not get stressed easily, thank you for being a great roomie!
donated generously by: ME
Notes 1
This is one of our digital text collections by ME. It was dated back to 2017.
We can only believe here that it is some accidental keyboard smash or there could be a code in there, our specialist can not decipher it yet, remaining this text a mystery.
donated generously by: ME
Notes 2
This is quite an interesting piece, it seems to be a list of readings, or what we should call fanfiction that ME has been reading throughout 2017-2019. There is no tell-tale of some sort on what kind of fanfiction that ME read. Except, that they like to read the college alternate universe genre.
donated generously by: ME
Notes 3
A digital poem about a playlist, about someone in love for six years. Who could have thought ME could wrote something like this back in 2018.
donated generously by: ME
around 2011
What makes this text interesting is that it was written back in 2011, it is a rhythmic poem about pigeons and famine. Even though ME lives in the city and never once see a pigeon in 2011, it seems like the pigeons were their biggest inspiration for this.
Rhythmic Poem
Pigeons fly around
Looking for food that they could never found
The farmer's heart became barren
Looking at the failed crops
donated generously by: ME
A Song
Dated back to 2010, this text is a song written by ME Without any musical notes we think it is an open interpretation of what a song could be.
Let's boost more hard work towards studying so we all can be smart.
Studying is good, studying is nice, so we can become an intelligent society. It levels up our morale and attitude. Let's build some studying habits for the better good of the country.
donated generously by: ME
Upcoming Exhibition
coming very soon hopefully
BITS AND BOBS; things inside ME's closet now.
in this exhibition, the visitors get to explore our collection of over 50 things inside ME's closet right now.
locate us
While primarily (and ideally) operating online, we do have a physical museum location that visitors could visit to browse our collections of m.e.
But in the meantime, our physical location is off-limits because of one annoying landlord that does not allow visitors anytime soon to visit and browse the collection on-site.
all of our collections are available digitally for visitors to view at the comfort of their home.
our physical location 2023
Past Exhibition
was only here for a day
was it because of poor construction or a non-painters tape?
in this exhibition, the visitors get to explore different types of cracks and scratches in ME's bedroom (our gallery), whether caused by their leaking AC or using blue tac.
about us
in the Museum of ME (Museum of Memang Edan) we celebrate all things about ME.
We are a solo funding museum and we hosted the largest original, authentic, collections of ME. that you can find. We are committed to giving and sharing the archival for the public to see, and to get to know ME better. Our collections are extensive and will always grow over time (because ME keeps buying stuff from online shops).
We hope that you will join us in discovering the real ME and learning from the history of ME.
Structure & Team
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Spotify Podcast
Opening Hours
as long as there is an internet connection
Museum of ME
Museum of Memang Edan
Curatorial & Collection
Education & Public Programs
Exhibition Management
Visitor Services & Facilities
Museum Security
Human Resources
Finance & Accounting
Website Design
Museum of ME is a creative response and exploration to my residency program at Studio Plesungan, Solo, Indonesia.
According to Kemendikbud (The Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology), there are six conditions for establishing a museum* (Syarat Pendirian Museum):
Vision and Mision
Human Resources
The museum must have a name
During the artist's three-week residency in Studio Plesungan, the artist was looking at how museums in Solo & Yogyakarta operate and did a site visit to a total of 12 museums private or government, and was very much defeated to see the conditions of the museums outside & inside. Finding out in one of the museums, their collection was almost (allegedly) entirely counterfeit was the last straw.
MoME or Museum of ME is a playful exploration of building a museum based on Kemendikbud's naturally ambiguous conditions. MoME is a digital archive museum for all things about this persona called ME. ME itself stands for Memang Edan which is an expression in Indonesia or Javanese when something is too crazy or too out of line. MoME could also be literally read as Museum of Me, where the museum itself was solely curated by the artist, inside the artist's bedroom as the physical location of the museum, with all the artist's stuff as the collection. The visitors are free to browse through a series of online curated collections (just like in a "real museum") that have been cataloged in the museum to learn more and interpret things about the persona.
Through this exploration, the artist is trying to depict and critique the conditions of museums in Java where there is no clear structure and centralized with one person holding the power. MoME itself has checked all the boxes on what can be considered an established museum according to the Kemendikbud. While being “established” by Kemendikbud's standard, MoME also simultaneously questions and challenge what a museum is and what it could look like or about. Therefore, MoME also served as a catalyst to look critically at how institutions were made, how institutions can construct someone’s identity, questioning the fabricated institutions, non-biasedness, the conditions of building a museum, and how institutions could influence or alter how people look at someone’s identity.
to find out more read my full residency research and reflective essay here:
kenenza michiko hasan